Brady Campaign Wants Assault Clips Banned

I’m going to LOL so hard when we find out in a few years that the Brady Campaign is actually a organization set up for the sole purpose of trolling.

What caliber is that even? .45 Colt? No doubt for some of those high capacity cowboy action assault revolver moon clips.

A recent email they sent out:

Hear that guys? We deserve to be protected from these weapons of war!

I love how they just effortlessly jump back and forth between terms like “high capacity clip”, “assault clip”, and “ammunition magazine”. Thank god they specify “ammunition” magazine though.. in the context of that joke of a writeup I would have assumed they were talking about a paper magazine such as MAD.

I agree with him about the 32 bullets in 16 seconds though. That’s only 2 rounds/second!  I demand a much higher RPM for my full auto fun.

Hat tip: Eric

View the original article here