And no one will ever be punished or reprimanded or fired.
It is not about safety, it is not about public service, it is about expanding the budgets and paychecks of government employees. They do not even pretend to serve the public any longer, they exist only to serve themselves and the politicians.
Each ATF agent who stood by and did nothing is complicent in the murder of that border agent, they should be charged with accessory to murder, the bureacrats who implemented the policy to allow firearms to be sold to gunrunners in order to gin up phony statistics that would justify more ATF funding should be put to death. The old Roman punishment of pouring hot lead down the throats of corrupt officials comes to mind.
But recall, its not about safety, its not about justice, its not about public service, its all about government jobs and money. Their jobs and benefits were worth more than the lives of even other federal employees, let alone the peasants.
With the exception of most military personnel who have no power or authority over the American civilian population, none of them care, you and I aren’t worth spit in the eyes of any government employee.
If they could expand their budget and payroll by slaughtering you and your families, don’t think they would hesitate to pull the trigger. The only thing preventing them is the 2nd Amendment and 300 million privately owned firearms.
I am becoming more sure that the whole system is going to implode and burn to the ground within my lifetime. No one watches the watchers.