At the start of this year the only dual magazine shotgun I knew of was the almost mythical South African NEOSTEAD. In January Kel-Tec introduced the KSG bullpup Shotgun. Now Turkish firm UTAS has brought another mean-looking dual magazine pump-action shotgun to market.

Each of the UTS-15 magazines hold 7 rounds of 2.75" sized shot shells (it can also chamber 3" shells), giving it a 14+1 capacity. A selector allows the operator to select which magazine to feed or to automatically alternate between the magazines.

The body of the gun is made from carbon fiber to save weight. The lower receiver has a built-in button operated laser and light. It also comes with iron sights mounted on the full length picatinny rail.

The shotgun has an overall length of 27" and weight of 7.2 lbs.

Unlike the Kel-Tec KSG, this gun is not being marketed to consumers, but to law enforcement and military. UTAS have acknowledged that they would not be able to export to consumers in the United States because it would not classify as a sporting gun by the BATFE.
Looks gnarly. I’m digging all these recent bullpup designs.
thats just fine that its not being marketed to me. i dont want anything to do with that thing! i want a KSG in a bad way but not this. It looks like someone took a band saw and ripped a few guns then bolted it into a shotgun sandwich.
Per an email I have from NeoStad the UTS-15 is the NeoStad.
This gun just doesn’t look…natural.
the other dual magazine guys didn’t impress me, this one does! I wonder when we’ll get reviews for its performance compared to our good old 870s…
Neat. While I normally don’t critique the look of a firearm… ouch, this doesn’t look very nice. I wonder why they went with the M16 style grip? I’ve always found there to be much more comfortable grip styles on the market.
Be interesting to see if any LEO’s like it!
On the other hand this thing makes me want a KSG even more.
Not to belabor the point, but:
It’s the consumer’s job, not the government’s, to determine sporting purpose. If I want to hunt deer, grizzlies or field mice with this monstrosity, I should be able to try.
This looks superb, but I always liked the G11. The ergonomics of the G11 were described as a piece of 2X4 lumber with a pistol grip. I guess it is like the hot redhead at the end of the bar. I know I like the look, but I will know more when I can get my hands on one
I got to shoot a Remington 2200 years ago at one of the SOF conventions in LV, it was a right hand and a left hand 1100 mated to one trigger and stock, and it was full auto, man that thing was a beast.
Those holes in the mag tubes remind me of the chauchat.
Good thing I can’t get it or else I’d have to choose
This thing has a serious case of the uglies.
At a length of 27?, it is definitely outmoded by the Kel Tec KSG. Go USA!
All these overbarrel dual-tube bullpup shotguns makes me wonder what’s the status on the patent for the Neostead?
Also, I think the capability of alternating between magazines is one of the reasons it’s being prohibited from consumers. I’v suspected that the KSG has to be manually switched is more for BATFE compliance than a design or engineering drawback.
I do like the ability to feed the magazine tubes without dropping the sight picture, a flaw that the break-open loading on the Neostead had and without resorting to the ejection port-feed ramp compromise of the KSG.
I discovered the Neostead playing Battlefield: Bad Company, and for a while I loved the idea of it. But when it really comes down to it, does the extra ammunition validate the increase mechanical complexity?
That said, after thinking about it it seems to me that the weighting of a shotgun (especially with that much ammo) would make loading a bullpup design awkwardly balanced and hard to do under stress.
Buuuuut, I doubt law enforcement would have need to fire more than 15 shotgun rounds in a single conflict, and if they do they’re in some pretty deep trouble, so why not?
I wouldn’t mind having one of these.
Just wondering how fast it is to change the magazines.
3 sling attachment points(!!!)
Does anyone else think this looks like something the Helghast from the video game Killzone would have?
I guess I’m the odd man out here who would LOVE to see something like this in semi-auto.
I was about to jump out of my seat until I read the last paragraph. It looks like the SCAR, the Neostead and the Marine Pulse Rifle from ALIENS all blended together. I love the look, it is mean and down-to-business. I have heard that the KSG doesn’t have exceptionally good fit and finish. I would have sprung for one of these instead.
Any bets that this will make it’s way into BF3?
Looks heavy. Even with the carbon fiber.
Seems like a lot of over-engineering of a design (regular pump-action) that’s pretty damn good already.
The sights seem very high away from the barrel. I wonder how good that will work with a reddot sight, sighted in for shotgun fighting distances.
Looks pretty angry….but somewhat bulky and ungainly in comparison to the KSG
That oughta make a great sci-fi movie prop :-p
It’s a shame we’ll never ever be able to get this imported.
On the other hand this looks way more complicated and fiddly than the KSG.
I would take this over the KSG. The ability to have it alternate between mags (and not have to worry about switching them, unless you want to) is a feature that the KSG is missing.
Some interesting bits of this shotgun:
Machine-gun like folding topcover
Ejection seems to be manually switchable left-right.
Tube selector switch is on top, which makes sense for top-feed but is a bit odd ergonomically. At least you can see at a glance which tube you’re feeding from.
Curious 3-position indicator in the last shot is curious. Does this thing have an option for a neostead-like alternating feed?
I’ll bite. I like these designs. granted, not firing one i can’t make a full comment, but still.
as for the import thing, if the KSG is here, why can’t these guys claim that it’s the same as the KSG? or is that just how the laws work here?
Not sporting…
Tell that to the home invader, that he isnt being “sporting”.
Seems like it has extra height for no reason…what’s that tube below the barrel?
That will certainly scare the hell out of the turkeys this spring.
Looks REALLY big.
One of the guys behind the Neostead (I believe it is Mr Stead) is also involved in the UTS-15 design.
What are the numbers printed on the top? Is it a mechanical shot counter?
Carbon fiber, eh? Sounds expensive.
Wouldn’t this be much nicer as a semi-auto?
Sure isn’t pretty, but still a damn nifty gun.
Here’s a video showing it being fired:
How much will they be imported here? pls pls pls!!!!!!!!
It looks intimidating and all that. I like that the KSG is a lot more compact, it uses the feed tubes to slide the foregrip along. This thing is so tall because you have the pump slide, then the barrel above that and the feed tubes above that. The UTS looks like something from Halo or Killzone, looks cool but is it really all that practical?
looks kinda bulky
I’d rather have the Kel-Tec
Is it just me, or does it look like something out of a video game?
Seriously, it looks like something I’d pick up and use while playing Crysis 2 or something.
it looks like something that can lay down the hate!