Richard has reviewed the Chiappa Rhino Revolver ...
Felt recoil from .357 Magnum loads is almost non-existant.
Sounds like a pretty bold statement, I suppose. But after shooting the Chiappa Rhino at the 2011 Media Day at the Range, that sums up my feelings exactly. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning…
After I do a lot of shooting with heavy(ier) caliber guns, I find it really hard to judge recoil. By the time I got to the Chiappa guns I had done so much shooting I could not accurately judge the recoil. I can say that at the time the recoil did not seem bad. Bryan, who was with me at Media Day, took these photos of the Rhino ...

I’m more than likely buying one. I’ll buy a 2nd and sell the first once they make a larger framed one in .44 mag.
Looks like the guy in the second pic’s about to burn his right thumb. Ouch!
My friend has one of these and he said it has almost no kick. One thing I didn’t notice until holding it was the cylinder release – in the first pic you can see it. Its like a lever to the left of the hammer.
That is a stunning example of the Hollywood Teacup hold (top photo). It appears that he tethered his wrist to the ground to manage the recoil.
Always glad when a product delivery what it promised.
And the cool design doesn’t hurt either.
Although I suspect it’s got significant design differences, I have a Mateba Unica 6, and I’m constantly having to take it apart and tune the mechanism; it’s simply not reliable as anything other than a toy. Could be okay for those who always like to fiddle with their equipment, so perhaps okay in competition, but as a defensive tool – nope.
I recently got a S&W Scandium 627PC 2? bbl, and that thing is a joy to shoot. Yes, when putting full load .357s through it, it has that distinctive magnum character, but if you know how to shoot a magnum revolver, it’s actually very controllable, and way more accurate than me. I put 110 gr .357 loads through it mostly for practice, or 110 gr .38+P defensive.
I’ll certainly get a Rhino, and the article said the samples had been put through their paces to the tune of thousands of rounds; all good. The question will be how reliable are the mass produced pieces? I bet the reviewer sample of the Unica 6 was a champ too…
The Rhino is a nice advancement, but it could be so much more.
Imagine the area over the barrel fitted for a integral laser, or moonclip conversions for 9mm/.40sw (blame the exceedingly stupid Italian ban on ‘military calibers’)
I’d settle for decent crimson trace grip and extended hammer, though.
Comparing one of these to a 6 Unica is kind of crazy. The Rhino is basically just a normal revolver with an unorthodox cylinder release, and an external cocking whatsit rather than a more conventional enclosed or shrouded hammer.
And FWIW, my 6 Unica in .44 mag has been reliable so far, but it definitely IS a range toy and NOT a self defense gun; just too mechanically complex to be very rugged, even if a particular one hasn’t acted up YET. Seems like the best niches for it are metallic silhouette, possibly some bowling pin matches, and big-game hunting if you have a backup; basically the same handful of things the Desert Eagle’s actually good for, except the Unica has even less recoil, a much better trigger, and a grip that’s actually usable by people that aren’t Andre the Giant.
What I’m not sure of with the Rhino, is why did they bother to put a topstrap on it? The 2006M had a topstrap, too, though that was probably to support the swing-up crane. But for the Rhino, it’s completely unnecessary, particularly since it looks like the crane is designed around a beefed up lower frame. All they did was make the gun 1/8? taller for no reason.
Squidpuppy: Matebe has nothing in common with the rhino except for the barrel arrangement. This is a classic revolver action, not the autorevolver.
I don’t know why but I find designs that are well designed & deliver what they’re meant to to be very attractive.
Some of the longer barrel variants showed up recently on Gunbroker. The lowest price with s&h is $865.
I certainly do want one, but I’m not sure if it outranks my desire to get a 686 first.
Anyone know if a 4? barrel version would be legal for IDPA and USPSA revolver classes? I have an ~80 year old Colt, but I’d like a more modern revolver, and you don’t get much more modern than this, I suppose.
Looks like the Deckard gun in Blade Runner
One of the guys who was on the design team for the Mateba also worked on the the design of this, so the comparison isn’t completely insane.
I have one of the two inch barrel models. It shoots well, conceals better. The muzzle rise/flip is nearly non-existent. The only issue I have is that it redirects all recoil back into the webbing of my hand. With full .357 loads it is like getting karate chopped constantly in the hand. Fun little gun though.
You’re all right, the Rhino is not a Mateba; I should have been clearer in stating my point about complexity. Take a look at this:
The Rhino is a DA/SA revolver, but it ain’t got a classic revolver action; it’s rather more complex – and that’s what I meant. Design deviation can be very cool, like the Rhino, but time will tell if it’s a net positive to the technology.
Makes no never mind on whether I want one; I do. And my hat’s off to the designer & everyone involved in bringing it to us. Innovation is always something to applaud. Now all you guys with Mateba’s… where do you get your’s serviced, please? Thanks!
Reminds me of the Mateba revolver, I would love to have either.