Dear Representative:
On Saturday March 19th the Officers and Board Members of the Oklahoma Rifle Association held our Board Meeting in Shawnee OK. At this meeting pending firearms legislation at the Oklahoma Legislature was discussed.
It was the intent of the Oklahoma Rifle Association to remain in a position of neutrality on the “Open Carry” legislation as many of our members support some form of open carry. The Officers and Board Members of the ORA are in agreement with the “Open Carry” concept but, after much discussion, the majority of the Board Members and Officers, voted to oppose Senate Bill 129 by Senator Russell and Representative Osborne.
This bill, in it’s present form, would allow those 18 years of age and older, to purchase and carry loaded Rifles, Shotguns and Handguns openly in a scabbard, with a sling, or a handgun in a holster, anywhere not in violation of Title 21, subsection A of Section 1277, without a back ground check and without training.
The Officers and Board Members are in opposition to SB 129 for these reasons:
First, The purchase of handguns by persons under the age of 21 is in violation of existing Federal Law.
Second, Allowing citizens, trained or untrained, to carry Rifles and Shotguns either in a scabbard or with a sling on city streets and into business establishments will create an atmosphere of hostility and distrust, not to mention create fear in those in our society who have an aversion to any type of firearm.
Third, The apprehension, created for the Law Enforcement Officers by the open carrying of long guns could create situations resulting in unnecessary use of deadly force.
For these reasons we ask you to vote against SB 129 when it comes to the floor of the House of Representatives. Sincerely,
Don Scott
President, Oklahoma Rifle Association
Paul W. Abel
Legislative Director, Oklahoma Rifle Association