I spotted this sawnoff shotgun at Knesk Guns facebook page ...

Very cool
It is for sale but no price is listed so I am guessing it is a lot.
This is not even half as sexy as the Ithaca Type B Auto & Burglar Gun. Imagine, buying this in a hardware store to keep in your car or home. Those sure were the good old days.
Gee no rails, LED flashlights, infrared laser sighting systems, black nylon grips, battery compartment, or vertical foregrip?
I have read a little about the 1920s-style action shooters that go for the mobster or G-man thing. This shotgun, a .38 Super 1911A1, a Colt Monitor BAR (semi-auto closed bolt of course), and a zoot suit would be a great start!
That would be “What someone would need to get their Max Max on” Alex. I’ll take “Famous Leather Holsters” for $200. -_^