At SHOT SHOW this year, I got a chance to handle the new Colt New Agent. The New Agent has been out for a while, but this year Colt is expanding the line. The pocket pistol now comes in three variates–a .45 ACP Single Action, a 9mm Single Action and a .45 ACP double action only.
Each model features a 3? barrel, a snag free design, a skeletonized aluminum trigger and a compact overall length of only 6 3/4?. All these features make it an ideal concealed carry pistol. Along with offering a DAO model, Colt is also offering XS Big Dot Sights on their New Agents for 2011.
The XS Big Dot Sights are my favorite type of sights for my concealed carry pistols. The big dot is extremely easy to pick up. For a suitable sight picture, one only needs to “dot the i;” just align the big dot front sight in the center of the “v” shaped rear sight, which has a white line down the center.

At the SHOT SHOW range day, I was able to test out Colt’s 2011 New Agent and Iwas impressed with it for the 20 or so rounds I got with the pistol. Recoil wasn’t as bad as I would expect from a .45 coming out of a 3? inch barrel and the XS Big Dot Sight combined with the minuscule sight radius of the Colt New Agent made getting a good sight picture a breeze. Check below for a quick video of me trying out the Colt New Agent at the SHOT SHOW range day.