FBI historian Dr. John Fox and I had a nice chin wag this morning. We talked about the Bureau’s early history and . . . this and that. For example, contrary to popular belief, John Dillinger did not have an enormous penis. The bulge in the morgue photo is actually the FBI-terminated gangster’s arm, taken from a funny camera angle. Even funnier now, one hopes. Anyway, we were talking about Mr. Dillinger’s non-biological arms. Dr. Fox sent me a link to an article by Kevin Williams that depicts one of Dillinger’s more, uh, unusual armaments. [click here for a pdf] And a damn strange thing it is too—fabricated by a saddle maker, not Rube Goldberg. Given the controversy surrounding a certain Glock 19 with an extended magazine, I imagine there aren’t that many people who could appreciate the artistry and sheer oomph of this crazy ass gun, never mind own one. Never mind shoot it. Oh lord I want to be in that number.