From Fox News, this item:
A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent was killed and another wounded while driving through northern Mexico Tuesday, in a rare attack on American officials in this country which is fighting powerful drug cartels.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said one agent was critically wounded in the attack and died from his injuries. The second agent was shot in the arm and leg and remains in stable condition.
Those are the facts. The official reaction to them is…interesting.
Here’s the pull quote o’ the day from Homeland (In)Security Sect. Napalitano:
Let me be clear: any act of violence against our ICE personnel – or any DHS personnel – is an attack against all those who serve our nation and put their lives at risk for our safety. We remain committed in our broader support for Mexico’s efforts to combat violence within its borders.
Um…yeah. Let me see if I can run this through my top-secret dBS-er 2000 gadget that automagically converts politicianspeak to plain ol’ Anglais:
Allow me to confuse you: Anybody who murders or injures one of my employees is attacking all my employees. And I’m issuing a strongly worded statement praising the great job Mexico is doing, keeping their murder rate from getting any higher than it already is.
Wow. So the Napolitanonator finds it unacceptable that one of her ICE agents is shot dead and another one is wounded while on the job in Mexico. Her response is to offer a statement of public support to Mexico? Huh? Am I missing something?
You may not like George Bush, but at least when he first visited the smoldering wreckage at Ground Zero, he didn’t grab a megaphone and say, “I’m upset about this, and they’ll be a strongly worded letter about it in the Times tomorrow morning!”
Where’s the outrage? Where’s the demand for justice? Hell, where’s the storm troopers, flooding across the border to get the bastards that killed one of ours? Apparently, Napolitano thinks Homeland Security should be a homey kind of place, offering mugs of hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows and a dash of cinnamon sprinkles for anyone who gets crossways with her agency.
We’ve gone from “no child left behind” to “officers will be left behind…we’ve got more where they came from.”
I dunno. Can Cabinet Secretaries be impeached? I’m not a lawyer (nor do I play one on TV). But if I were any member of her not-so-merry band of brothers in blue, patrolling our borders, I’d look carefully to see if those new jackets she ordered as a show of teamwork don’t come with great big targets on their backs.