The Guatemalan National Civil Police have purchased 3,000 of IWI's Galil ACE rifle at a cost of 4.6 million USD. They went with the Model 31 (7.62x39mm) version. Also purchased were 8,000 IWI Jericho pistols in 9mm for 3.2 million USD.

The ACE has proven to be a hit in South America where it is currently used and manufactured by Colombia and will soon be adopted and manufactured by the Peruvian Army.
Police having those is so badass, they obviously know their weapons. No doubt Colombia and Brazils urban combat experience, advised them of the best gun available for their job.
Hopefully this large order will allow IWI to scale up. I love the Jericho and wouldn’t mind them flooding the market.
Interesting they used the short-barrelled design. The ACE 31 only has a 215mm/ 8.4 inch barrel.
Well, it’s an AK, but much lighter and better ergos, a safe bet.
Congrats to them on purchasing a terrific rifle (carbine?).
A no-nonsense rifle, for real-world use.
Not those bull-pup, shoot and drop overpriced, over-pieced, monstrosities.
They’re cool, but I would have expected a better deal than $1500 for each of the 3000 rifles. I mean, that’s USA Civilian cost on a decent carbine.
Same with the pistols. $400 isn’t a bad deal, but I would have expected a gov to get a better deal. Are they talking about the IWI Jericho / BUL Cherokee / MagnumResearch Baby Eagle (older version)? Because I’ve seen those on CDNN for under $400.
So… Way to get ripped off guys.
Cute little gun.
Let’s see, the Guatemalan has over 50,000 Galil’s in 5.56×45 and now the police force is getting modern Galil’s in 7.62×39. How’s that for a logistic nightmare?
My only question is when will this rifle be offered to the American public? Also its estimated price?
I would love to have a semi-auto version of this. Something about the look of it just says “buy me!”