A lot of news coming out of Magpul Dynamics this week; first their new video, and subsequently maybe the last one we see with the Travis Haley in it. Travis Haley, the CEO of Magpul Dynamics, is leaving Magpul Dynamics in order to pursue other interests. Chris Costa mentioned this to me while at Shot Show and he had nothing but good things to say about Travis, and said he’s parting on good terms. Travis is forming a new company called Haley Strategic Partners; however he’ll still have some presence at Magpul as a consultant.
For me to hear this was a shock. I know most of us when we think of Magpul Dynamics, we think of the Dynamic Duo of Chris Costa and Travis Haley. Travis was a huge presence at Magpul Dynamics and Magpul Industries who seemed to have his hand in just about everything the two companies did–from Magpul’s theory based products to unorthodox shooting positions such as urban prone, Travis was pretty much the face of both companies . It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, but we wish Travis the best with his new ventures, and Gunblog.com will be sure to keep up with what he’s doing to keep our readers informed.