When at Gunsite, Dudley Storey had the chance to visit the home of Jeff Cooper, where his wife still lives.

I am very jealous. I would love to visit his home.
More info and photos at Dudley's blog.
I set up internet access at the Colonels home (and at Gunsite, through a company called Northlink), in 1994.
His gun room/vault is quite nice too. I only got to talk to him once when Pat Rogers brought my 250 class over to meet him, his health declined over the next few years. An impressive guy with an impressive house.
Fantastic! I keep bugging my wife by saying I would like a shed in our back yard, but she insists I can’t because she says “I’ll never see you!”
(I thought that would have been a good thing!)
It is quite an experience to visit the Cooper home. Janelle Cooper was a charming and gracious hostess, and it is clear that she loved the Colonel very much.
Ugh.. please call it his office, not his “man cave” as he was not an emasculated metrosexual who was banished from his own home to a small corner of the basement.
SWEET. Every married man needs his man cave of solitude to protect his mind from the wife’s feminist house arrangements.
I like Cooper’s ideas about marksmanship. Some of his ideas and theories are outdated by more modern technology, but he certainly had a positive impact on the shooting world.
His study seems cozy and warm. The only thing that seems out of place is the Steyr Scout poster in the back. I doubt he would have that up since it did not follow his scout rifle concept perfectly. Something tells me his wife got an endorsement deal from Steyr.
Komrad, he endorsed the Steyr Scout and was involved with its development.
Chris, cool!
It is cool. But he has been dead for 5 years. Pass the stuff off to the kids and grand kids already. Or his friends. Especially the guns. Any man would want that. Any man would hate that his guns just sat around after his death, with no one enjoying them. I know where ever my grand father is, he is happy that his old Colt 1911 is here with me. His favorite rifle, a Savage 99 is still taking deer for my father. His Garrand is actually three feet from me. His .38, well, my grandmother keeps that in her night stand still.